When it comes to choosing between editing a photo in color or black and white…how do I choose? Well, a lot of it has to do with the shadows and “mood” of the photo. If the light was dramatic and bold, I am likely to edit it in black and white to show off the drama of the lighting.
Sometimes, I choose to edit a photo in both color AND black & white to let you decide which you prefer! Some of my clients have framed galleries in their homes and need black & white photos to compliment the rest of the gallery.
Black and white photos can be more “timeless” than color photos. You notice the clothing and other possible distractions less when the the photo is black and white. That said…there are times when the colors of the photo are what makes it spectacular!
If you ever want to see one of your photos in color and black and white, let me know and I would be glad to accommodate your request! If I think that the particular photo won’t look as nice in black/white vs color, I’ll tell you and explain why.
Thank you for trusting me to preserve your most precious memories!